27 April 2009

Waiting, waiting, and more waiting......

The title of this post says it all. All of the GLS candidates have been in a big room with around 100 computers in it since 0730 this morning. Myself and the other two CHS guys have been running from one place to the other because no one really knows where we are supposed to be or what we are supposed to be doing. Apparently, this whole production is a GLS operation, so the CHS guys (3 of us) are kind of stuck waiting for instructions from people who really don't know what to do with us and having us repeat paperwork that we sent to CHS weeks ago. Oh well, we are getting paid and not getting shot at so bring on the paperwork! Just got an email to complete a whole bunch of pre-deployment training PowerPoint presentations, so better get working on that.

26 April 2009

Charlotte Layover

---Some pictures of the flight over (not so great because the sun was at the wrong angle) and some a couple of pictures from the concourse/terminal here at Charlotte.

Off the plane at 0830, on the next at 1140. Long enough to grab a Cinnabon and sit a while in a nice white rocking chair they have here at the terminal and people watch.

Waiting, Almost Time to Begin the Journey.......

I am sitting in the waiting area of Gate B8 looking out over the runway, watching the sun come up over all the planes. It is beautiful. Getting ready to board now, only two more zones to go before they call my number. Let the journey begin.......